- Facilitating the sustainable development of SS businesses and institutions
- Facilitating the sharing, transfer of knowledge and expertise between International and South Sudan governments, institutions and businesses
- Facilitating collaborate efforts between International and SS entities (i.e. businesses, government and Non-governmental Organizations)
- Working toward ways to enable favorable trade and resource sharing
- Establishing a central resource for International business, professional, and civic community for exchanging ideas and strategies on trade and investment in SS.
- Providing a comprehensive resource for SS companies seeking partners, investors, or research on establishing a presence in other countries.
- Providing leading research and publications with in-depth insight into SS industries and sectors of interest for members.
- Creating information business forums that educate the International business community on the cultural, legal, political, and economic infrastructure of SS
- Providing direct access for the business community of SS to International Industry through international seminars, conferences, commerce missions, and trade events.
- Offering training and education to International business leaders seeking to develop trade or investment in SS on the culture, language, history, etiquette, and business practices to be successful.
- Offering advocacy and lobbying services in International governments for the promotion of economic interests for Chamber members.
- Facilitate consortium programs between International and South Sudan in the areas of (cultural exchange, educational support/training, research and development programs)
- International Federal/State/Municipal government officials
- International Institutions
- International Businesses and Industries
- South Sudan Federal/State/Municipal government officials
- South Sudan Institutions
- South Sudan Businesses and Industries
- Non for profit sector
- Academic/Education
- Financial
- Medical
- Telecommunications/Internet
- Construction
- Agriculture
- Energy
- Legal